The Wisdom of the Wise Pt.1: the Wiseman

Recently on January 6th the church noted Epiphany. I say ‘noted’ because, so far as I know there wasn’t any real celebrations, at least in the Western World. In the East, it is called ‘Theophany’ and celebrates the baptism of Jesus and His divine Nature. Epiphany is commemorated for the visit of the Magi (wisemen)Continue reading “The Wisdom of the Wise Pt.1: the Wiseman”

Learning to wrestle Pt.1

America, Canada and a number of other countries in the world are considered ‘Christian countries’. They are known for a church culture, where young and old attend church on a Sunday, celebrate what is seen as ‘Christian holidays’ (Christmas, Easter etc.) and most will say they ‘believe in God’. Churches, for the most part, areContinue reading “Learning to wrestle Pt.1”

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