The Frontlines

Every century has dealt with war. The weapons, the armour, and the defence may have been different, but there is always something that has caused a people to fight. In some respects, war may have brought people together: unlikely comrades join together to fight a common enemy. But war destroys lives; even if a soldierContinue reading “The Frontlines”

Why suffering?

Suffering is no joke. Everyday, thousands suffer: whether its from criminality, disease, malnutrition, unjust imprisonment, etc. suffering is a part of our world. One of the teachings of the prosperity gospel is that if we ‘have faith, we will be given health and wealth’. However this overlooks the reality of the church since it’s beginning.Continue reading “Why suffering?”

The Prosperity Gospel

You may have heard the words God wants to bless you!’ and ‘your best life now!’ Whether its the title of a book or mentioned in a sermon, these words and those similar to them have been circulating around the churches for the last few years. Many, looking for a ‘better’ life’ and seeking hopeContinue reading “The Prosperity Gospel”

God & the natural world

Very little can compare to a sunrise or sunset that paints the sky in red, orange and yellow. Or standing at a lake that reflects the sky like glass. Mountains may cause us to stand in awe at their majesty, or the sight of a crashing waterfall may give us a thrill. Sometimes it theContinue reading “God & the natural world”

Is God Just?

We see so many injustices done in today’s world: criminal activity-even in the justice system, criminals wander free and corrupt legal systems. Families are broken, children are abandoned, seniors neglected etc. If we look at the world as is, it may be easy to think God doesn’t exist, or if He does, He doesn’t care.Continue reading “Is God Just?”

The Christians

So for a whole year Barnabas and Saul met with the church and taught great numbers of people. The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch. Acts 11:26 The first recording of people being called Christians is recorded in the Book of Acts. The word Christian means ‘follower of Christ.’ The books of Matthew, Mark and ActsContinue reading “The Christians”

What is Grace?

When we think of the word grace, we might think of a prayer, or maybe we will see a type of dancing as ‘graceful’. Oftentimes Grace is Biblically defined as ‘unmerited favour’ or a ‘divine virtue’. Many Christians will quote Ephesians 2:8-9: ‘we are saved by grace, through Faith….’ Contrary to other religions in theContinue reading “What is Grace?”

A Question of Fairness

It is said that when Adam and Eve disobeyed God, sin entered the world. Because of their disobedience, we are all at fault. Is that really fair? In His passage on Faith and Righteousness, Paul makes this statement in Romans 5:12: Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin,Continue reading “A Question of Fairness”

If God is Sovereign…

When we look at our world today, everything seems to be shaken: the economy is low, many are losing jobs and business, natural disasters are occurring, families are falling apart, loved ones are passing on etc. In the midst of such chaos and uncertainty, how can there be a Sovereign God? The word Sovereign meansContinue reading “If God is Sovereign…”

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