The Church

There has been a lot of differing opinions in regards to the church and restrictions. In many countries, depending on the Covid19 levels, church gatherings are not allowed. This brings the diverse opinion on whether Christians should take a stance against the government and still physically meet. Or do we adhere to what is saidContinue reading “The Church”

The Patience of God

If God is good, why not take away the evil? Why doesn’t He sweep away sin? When we see all the injustice and wrong in the world, we might question the goodness of God. How can a God who is good and just, allow such suffering to continue in the world? Doesn’t He care aboutContinue reading “The Patience of God”

Why celebrate?

It is the week of Christmas and there is a flurry of activity happening! Stores, post office, roads are all busy as people travel here and there to get everything done before the ‘big day’. Restrictions changed last Friday (Dec.18) which which means we can now leave our counties. I can just imagine what theContinue reading “Why celebrate?”

Learning to wrestle Pt.3

Not everyone is comfortable with fighting: most of us want peace; we long for positivity and comfort. The western world itself is very individualistic, but we also want to get along with our neighbours. At the same time, many of us like to be right; we want people to understand and even accept our viewpoints.Continue reading “Learning to wrestle Pt.3”

Learning to wrestle Pt.1

America, Canada and a number of other countries in the world are considered ‘Christian countries’. They are known for a church culture, where young and old attend church on a Sunday, celebrate what is seen as ‘Christian holidays’ (Christmas, Easter etc.) and most will say they ‘believe in God’. Churches, for the most part, areContinue reading “Learning to wrestle Pt.1”

Absence of War

Everyone desires peace: the silence that assures us that all is right. There are no arguments or estranged relationships. No conflicts surrounding us nor disputes that interrupt our lives. All mankind desires peace: in families, friendships, communities and countries. Without peace there is only conflict, hardship, anger and sorrow. When there is war, anxiety andContinue reading “Absence of War”

Ancient places

There is no doubt that Europe and the Middle east are full of ancient and historical sites. Specifically in Europe, castles dot the landscape and I’ve heard in the past that one the top attractions that Canadian and Americans want to see, is castles. In my Canadian mind, this makes sense. Who doesn’t want toContinue reading “Ancient places”

Gifts & Service

Everyone has gifts and talents and we are our worst critics. Some are great at sports, art, music etc. Watching a history program a number of weeks ago I learned that castle masons would ‘visualize’ as they worked. They didn’t always have a plan, they just started working and everything developed in their minds eyeContinue reading “Gifts & Service”

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