Medieval Period Pt.2: Fire & Brimstone

“Fire and Brimstone” was the theme for many churches in the Medieval ages. The people were ruled by fear as is seen in many images from that time. Purgatory was a prevailing belief however, so was hell which was seen for those who did what was deemed the ‘worst sins’. There were many depictions ofContinue reading “Medieval Period Pt.2: Fire & Brimstone”

Medieval Period Pt.1: Deeds & Merits

It is recorded in history that many who served the church especially in the Medieval period would do acts of service and penance in order to ‘gain merit’ from Christ and the Saints. The Catholic church at the time taught that Jesus and the apostles ‘gained an overflow of merit’ that the church could thenContinue reading “Medieval Period Pt.1: Deeds & Merits”

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