The testimony of humility

On a weekly basis I lead a youth group, and for the past several months we have been working through an overview of the Bible. It has been great to show the recurring theme of God’ s plan of redemption for mankind, but it also hasn’t been easy. One subject that came up last weekContinue reading “The testimony of humility”

Bunnies & eggs

It’s hard to believe that Easter is literally around the corner! For me personally, the time has just flown in with a flurry of activity and having to constantly plan months ahead with my own schedule has not helped the speed! As chocolate eggs, stuffed rabbits, colorful baskets and eggs have all cropped up inContinue reading “Bunnies & eggs”

The Message of St. Patrick

Many will associate Saint Patrick’s Day with wearing of green, playing Irish music, dancing and drinking beer. A number of cities will hold parade’s with floats of Leprechauns, rainbows and pots of gold. March 17 has indeed become a celebration of ‘all things Irish’ and for the actual Irish, it’s become a national holiday toContinue reading “The Message of St. Patrick”

The bitter and the sweet —excerpt

I have been thinking much about the ongoing war in Ukraine from Russia’s forces. There is an unending debate of how long it will last-or how far it will go. The far reaching effect of it is already beginning to take hold as energy prices rise around Europe. Meanwhile in the Ukraine homes, livelihoods and […]Continue reading “The bitter and the sweet —excerpt”


Laws govern our world. We don’t always like them, but they are necessary. The law teaches us right from wrong; bring justice (when used correctly) and carry order. Without laws, chaos would reign. When God created the earth, He inserted natural laws that govern our world. Our lives are structured on Sunrise to Sunset: beforeContinue reading “Law-Abiding”

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