Motivating Fear

The New Year is well underway: the holidays have come to an end and life has resumed it’s normal pace. While many may look at the start of a New year with excitement and anticipation; others may look at it with trepidation and dread: it may signify big changes in our lives or situations. SomeContinue reading “Motivating Fear”

Spiritualism & the quest for more

We are on the cusp of Halloween. I’m not sure about the rest of the world, but Halloween decorations always hit our stores with Christmas decor by mid-September. It has been believed that Halloween originated with Ireland, but I have recently learned that it’s a blend of the Irish pagan celebration of Samhain (pro. Sa-wen),Continue reading “Spiritualism & the quest for more”

The dark mysterious

When I was a teenager, I was captivated by the supernatural. Anything to do with the afterlife held my interest, and the ideas of ghosts with unfinished business, vampires with their endless lives etc. always had my attention. The fascination that I once had with these topics, has only grown in the past number ofContinue reading “The dark mysterious”

The Love of Nature

As summer temperatures rose all over the world, there has been an ever-growing concern over climate change. Understandably so: the growing heat creates change in environment and affects the wildlife accustomed to cooler temperatures. While mankind was commanded to ‘govern the earth’ (Genesis 1:28) and tend it (Genesis 2:15) we haven’t done the greatest job.Continue reading “The Love of Nature”

Inner Desire

Superheroes are wonderful, imaginary persons. All of them have a serious backstory, in which they receive abilities that help them go beyond their situation and once they have achieved this, they can then help others. Their stories show us their hopes, dreams, fears and weaknesses-and many are a reflection of what we may face. WhetherContinue reading “Inner Desire”

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