Who is God? Pt.1

Many times Christians talk about the goodness of God. Of His faithful love and goodness. But is this true? What do we really know about Him? We can know that there is a God by looking at the world around us (Romans 1:20): the beauty and design of nature. However if we truly want toContinue reading “Who is God? Pt.1”

What’s in a Book Part II

 The Bible is looked at as the Word of God. In Part I of ‘What’s in a book’ we observed what is in the Bible, and looked at how Jesus is one example of prophetic fulfilment. While that may be so, how do we know that the Bible we have today is reliable? What makesContinue reading “What’s in a Book Part II”

What’s in a Book? Part 1

Christians claim that the Bible is the Word of God and as such is accurate, reliable and without inconsistencies. But is there truth to this claim? Is the Bible reliable? What is it actually all about? While some may say its a dusty old book filled with half-truths and fabrications, there seems to be muchContinue reading “What’s in a Book? Part 1”

Introduce Yourself (Example Post)

This is an example post, originally published as part of Blogging University. Enroll in one of our ten programs, and start your blog right. You’re going to publish a post today. Don’t worry about how your blog looks. Don’t worry if you haven’t given it a name yet, or you’re feeling overwhelmed. Just click theContinue reading “Introduce Yourself (Example Post)”

Introduce Yourself (Example Post)

This is an example post, originally published as part of Blogging University. Enroll in one of our ten programs, and start your blog right. You’re going to publish a post today. Don’t worry about how your blog looks. Don’t worry if you haven’t given it a name yet, or you’re feeling overwhelmed. Just click theContinue reading “Introduce Yourself (Example Post)”

Introduce Yourself (Example Post)

This is an example post, originally published as part of Blogging University. Enroll in one of our ten programs, and start your blog right. You’re going to publish a post today. Don’t worry about how your blog looks. Don’t worry if you haven’t given it a name yet, or you’re feeling overwhelmed. Just click theContinue reading “Introduce Yourself (Example Post)”

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