
Our lives in the first-world countries are filled with options. I grew up in Canada where there is an abundance of varieties of coffee, chocolates, shoes, accessories, brand name clothing etc. When I moved to Ireland I was struck with how little variety there was, and yet there were still a few options-just not asContinue reading “Abundance”

Questioning the Pain Pt.2

Our world is full of pain. Each of us suffer loss in our lives: of friends & family. It can touch our workplace, our homes and our health. Trouble comes and goes, difficulties can seem insurmountable and anxieties can rise with the weather! Difficulty, pain, grief come to all despite culture, age and time zone.Continue reading “Questioning the Pain Pt.2”

Questioning the pain Pt.1

All of us have questions. Our questions’ may range from ‘why is the sky blue’ to “why am I here?” It’s good to examine life and ask ‘why’ but only to a point because there are some questions we may not have an answer for. My church has just begun a series on the bookContinue reading “Questioning the pain Pt.1”

The Call

One of the striking contrasts between Jesus and other Rabbi’s was His approach. When Jesus first began His ministry and starting choosing ‘students’ to learn under Him, He didn’t give list of rules and regulations. Instead Jesus simply said “follow Me.” Nor did Jesus have to go and explain Himself. Instead, His manner and teachingContinue reading “The Call”

A Father’s Day story

For some, Father’s Day is one of celebration and thanksgiving for our dad’s, grandpa’s etc. Mother’s and father’s should be celebrated and I am glad that we have days such as these to celebrate these roles. But I am aware that this isn’t true for everyone: for some, Father’s Day can be a hard reminderContinue reading “A Father’s Day story”


Growing up, I would be asked ‘what’s your religion?’ and today many people may look at me as being “very religious” or say that I’m “true to my religion”. The word ‘religion’ is a funny word: it means having a ‘belief’ and what we believe concerns how we live. For centuries Christianity has been seenContinue reading “Religiosity”

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