About the Blog

This blog was initially written to answer the ‘big questions’ of Christianity & the Bible. In doing so, we may have find answers to life’s big questions as well. We are living in a day and time when technology is accessible, and information easily attainable, but that does not mean we don’t have questions, doubts and maybe at times feel a little hopeless. We are all on life’s journey and we live in a world that can seem hopeless, challenging and dark. However we are encouraged to go beyond that, to wrestle with disbelief and doubts, and to seek Truth and find Hope. I believe that starts in the Bible.

As for the writer, I am a Christ-follower. That does not mean I don’t seek answers, or have questions, but it does mean I look through a Biblical perspective.

We are all on a life’s journey; there is no need to walk alone.

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