Motivating Fear

The New Year is well underway: the holidays have come to an end and life has resumed it’s normal pace. While many may look at the start of a New year with excitement and anticipation; others may look at it with trepidation and dread: it may signify big changes in our lives or situations. Some may be looking at their first Year without a friend or significant other. While we never know what a day will bring, an entire year seems much bigger. Everyone’s outlook is different and its shaped by our past.

But with these emotions can also come fear. The definition of fear is “a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain etc.”

Fear always propels us towards action: the question is if the action is right and good. While there are times when we need to take a step away (such as if a bear crosses our path!) there are other times when we need to act against our fear, especially if it would cause us to lash out against another unjustly.

The Christ-follower is told by God to not be afraid of man. If anything we are to ‘fear the Lord’. This means that we are to have great respect and reverence for God, to live our daily lives in awe of His Holiness; and to remember that He is greater than anyone or anything we may encounter in this life. As Jesus said in Matthew 10:28:

Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.

A Christian does not have to be ruled by Fear of man and what he can do to us. , Rather to fear the Lord. But while we view God with the utmost respect and reverence, we also know that He is good, Holy and pure. The Lord loves His people and He is without sin so we can trust Him and His plans. When God gives us a promise we know that, regardless of how insurmountable a situation may be, His plan will prevail.

As we trust Him, we can live courageously in doing what is right. If we fear God then we want to follow His ways and obey His commands-even if it means we go ‘against the grain’ of society.

The church needs to be reminded of who God is, of His power and greatness so that we may live each day courageously and be a ‘Light to those living in darkness’. If we are going to live in awe of the Lord, may we be rightly motivated to live courageously for God and not fear man.

‘The fear of the Lord is true wisdom;
    to forsake evil is real understanding.’

Job 28:28

Published by robertsmarg

Life is a journey not easily taken, but how much greater the journey when we know we aren't walking it alone. I am an unprofessional writer, teacher and explorer and I seek to follow Christ wherever He takes me.

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