Medieval Period Pt.2: Fire & Brimstone

“Fire and Brimstone” was the theme for many churches in the Medieval ages. The people were ruled by fear as is seen in many images from that time. Purgatory was a prevailing belief however, so was hell which was seen for those who did what was deemed the ‘worst sins’. There were many depictions of heaven and hell in churches, grotesque images of demons and fire and people being thrown in and tortured by such.

Such images encouraged pilgrimages, the buying of indulgences and penance. When Pope Leo X issued a ‘paper’ indulgence that when bought, would cover loved ones in purgatory, many flocked to buy it. Crusaders were told that in fighting the ‘heathen’ their sins would be omitted and this encouraged men to join, fight and even made them willing to die because their eternity was secure. And the church coffers were filled.

The Bible does make it clear that Hell is no joke; it is a real place. However, it is not for a ‘certain kind of person’. Every person has sinned (Romans 3:23) and sin, no matter how it presents itself, is all the same to God. It’s easy for man to judge another’s crime, but every person is capable, in thought or deed, to do wrong. It is sin that separates man from God and the Bible shares that this is why Jesus came: to take man’s sin upon Himself and pay the price, so that through faith in His death and resurrection, one might receive forgiveness and eternal life (John 3:16; John 10:10; Romans 10:13; Romans 6:23). Sin is serious, and with it man is condemned to a lost eternity. But Jesus paid the ultimate price so that man can be free and spend eternity with God in Heaven.

Medieval, Buildings, Architechture

However to be ruled by fear is the wrong approach: it can create a wrong picture of God. He is Holy and is not to be taken lightly, but the Bible is also filled with truth about God’s Love: He is love (1 John 4:7) and perfect love casts out fear (1 John 4:18). If God did not love us, He wouldn’t have sent Jesus to die, nor would He bother with His Creation: there would be no gift of salvation for those who have Faith in Him. Many who came to understand who God is and what He has done for them went from being unsatisfied and fearful, to purposeful, brave and bold. Men such as Jan Hus (1372-1415, Martin Luther (1483-1546) and William Tyndale (1494-1536) risked their lives to share the Truth with those around them.

The rule of fear can also give the wrong motive: the Cross is to be taken seriously and the sacrifice of Jesus not to be accepted lightly. The Bible also makes it clear that repentance is to be sincere, and not with the wrong motive. As God knows the heart, He also knows when a person has genuinely turned away from sin (Proverbs 17:3; 21:2; Jeremiah 17:10; 1 Corinthians 4:5).

No one today can judge a person who was under the teachings of the church in the Medieval period. As God knows the heart, He alone knows those who are His. It is essential to understand the Gospel, which is the good news of Jesus, lest one be deceived. Not only does He offer forgiveness of sins to those who come to Him in Faith, but God transforms a person, making them to love righteousness and to hate evil.

Published by robertsmarg

Life is a journey not easily taken, but how much greater the journey when we know we aren't walking it alone. I am an unprofessional writer, teacher and explorer and I seek to follow Christ wherever He takes me.

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