What is a soul?

The Bible talks about man having a Soul.

The soul is who we are; it is the eternal part of us. While Atheists may argue that when we die that’s the end, the Bible teaches that every person has a soul and there is an eternal destination. We are living souls; as eternal our soul lives on even after our body dies. Either in Heaven or Hell. It is the soul of a person that needs forgiveness and cleansing from Sin.

“You don’t have a soul. You are a Soul. You have a body.”

George MacDonald

Your soul makes up who you are: your mind, emotions and Will. This carries on even after we die, because sour souls can interact with each other and also feel. One example of this in the Bible is in a parable Jesus tells of a rich man and a poor man named Lazarus. When both die, Lazarus is seen at ‘Abraham’ side (in heaven) and the rich man suffers in hell. Seeing Lazarus and Abraham, the rich man calls out to Abraham and longs for water ‘because he is in agony’ (Luke 16: 19-25).

Another indication that our souls can ‘feel’ and are eternal is in Matthew 10:28 where Jesus said: ‘And do not fear those who kill the body, but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

Jesus came so that mankind can have ‘eternal life’; the relationship with God that has been broken by sin can be restored ‘by grace, through faith‘ (Ephesians 2:8-9) in what Jesus did on the Cross and His subsequent resurrection three days later. When one receives forgiveness and salvation, they receive the Holy Spirit who gives life, convicts, guides and comforts. After their body dies, their soul goes to be with God in Heaven.

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Published by robertsmarg

Life is a journey not easily taken, but how much greater the journey when we know we aren't walking it alone. I am an unprofessional writer, teacher and explorer and I seek to follow Christ wherever He takes me.

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